Monday, June 28, 2004

I'll Bet They Didn't See This One Coming.

Guess what. Full sovereignty has been transferred to the Iraqi Interim government a full two days ahead of schedule, " an apparent bid to surprise insurgents who may have tried to sabotage the step toward self rule". This certainly is a brilliant strategy. I guess the whole idea is to keep the insurgents from derailing the transfer by sneaking it in under the radar. I suppose the insurgents will just throw up their hands in confusion and stop all the fussin' and the fuedin'. Seriously, this is silliest thing I've seen in quite a while. Do they really think that this will bring an end the violence? Do they really think that this will create the perception that things are actually going so well over there that they're able to get things done ahead of schedule? I certainly hope not, because, truth be told, this is largely ceremonial.
The second silliest thing that I've seen in quite a while, however, is this gem taken from the above referenced article: "Although the interim government will have full sovereignty, it will operate under major restrictions - some of them imposed at the urging of the influential Shiite clergy which sought to limit the powers of an un-elected administration". Yes, the whole full sovereignty with limits thing again. It's sort of like a two serving limit at an all-you-can-eat buffet, or maybe an all access pass to certain areas only.
Yes, this truly is a historic day. How often do we get to see a horse and pony show play out on the world's stage?