Sunday, July 11, 2004

Democracy...American Style! Coup, bitches, coup!

You know, I really am one to try and avoid conspiricy theories and the like, but if you look at this administrations record and reports like what we've seen in "The New Republic", it is just too hard to resist. Seriously, I don't think that we need to worry so much about terrorist trying in disrupt the democratic process, but rather we need to worry about Bushco. trying to disrupt the democratic process. Check it out:

The department wants to know about the possibility of granting emergency power to the newly created U.S. Election Assistance Commission, authority that Roehrkasse said was requested by DeForest B. Soaries Jr., the commission's chairman.

Soaries, who was appointed by President Bush, is a former New Jersey secretary of state and senior pastor of the 7,000-member First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens in Somerset, New Jersey.

He wrote in April to Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge and national security adviser Condoleezza Rice asking them to seek such legislation from Congress, Roehrkasse said.

Roehrkasse said the recent discussions were sparked by intelligence indicating al Qaeda wants to "disrupt our democratic process."

Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge warned of such an attack in a news conference last week, saying it was based on intercepted "chatter" among al Qaeda operatives.

Roehrkasse noted, however, that there was no specific information suggesting such an attack would be aimed at the political conventions or Election Day.