CBS to issue statement on the memos.
It appears that CBS is going to make a statement on tonights news, saying that they were mislead about the authenticity of the much disputed memos. I'm not sure that I am willing, if CBS does conceed that they are forged, to conclude that this is actually the case. The story has been effectively undermined by all of the bullshit controversy. That is to say, the credibility of the memos has been so effectively undermined that it just doesn't make sense for them to stay behind the story. So, at this point, CBS is just looking to save face.
They've won. We've lost. The right is so good at manipulating the media and hence public opinion that there really seems to be no point in fighting it any longer. For the longest time I was of the opinion that most people that you hear parroting right wing lies knew in their heart of hearts that it was completely false, but they just wanted to believe it because it provided a rationale, though a flimsy rationale, for their ideological leanings. I'm not so sure this is the case any longer. It seems more and more that people actually believe that this stuff is true. They really think that the weapons are in Syria, that Saddam had a hand in 9/11, that Abu Ghraib was the work of just a handful of rogue soldiers.
Maybe the assent of blogs of late could be viewed by some as a way to fight back agianst the right's informational dominance over the American public, but so far the opposite effect seems to be occuring. That is, the right has quickly managed to co-opt this new medium and use it to their advantage.
Again, I would be content to conclude that they American public, because they are so foolish, is going to get what they deserve. But this is a tyranny of the majority and I'm stuck in the middle of it. What to do...what to do?
They've won. We've lost. The right is so good at manipulating the media and hence public opinion that there really seems to be no point in fighting it any longer. For the longest time I was of the opinion that most people that you hear parroting right wing lies knew in their heart of hearts that it was completely false, but they just wanted to believe it because it provided a rationale, though a flimsy rationale, for their ideological leanings. I'm not so sure this is the case any longer. It seems more and more that people actually believe that this stuff is true. They really think that the weapons are in Syria, that Saddam had a hand in 9/11, that Abu Ghraib was the work of just a handful of rogue soldiers.
Maybe the assent of blogs of late could be viewed by some as a way to fight back agianst the right's informational dominance over the American public, but so far the opposite effect seems to be occuring. That is, the right has quickly managed to co-opt this new medium and use it to their advantage.
Again, I would be content to conclude that they American public, because they are so foolish, is going to get what they deserve. But this is a tyranny of the majority and I'm stuck in the middle of it. What to do...what to do?
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