But at Least They Have Full (limited) Sovereignty
The GAO says that Iraq is, in many ways, worse now than pre-war. I wonder if this will make Sean Hannity stop saying that Iraqis are better off now that Hussien is out of power. I doubt it. The problem with people like Hannity is that they just fail to understand nuance. For them, it seems, they are just incapable of engaging in the type of critical thinking necessary to assess whether the ends justify the means. All that matters is that a tyrant is out of power. I think Clinton phrased the situation well in a recent interview. In it, he basically stated that the war would only be a good thing if a stable democratic government can emerge in the reason. That's a big if, and I think it presents far too many alternate scenarios to consider for Hannity and the like. For example, if someone like Sadr is able to seize control in the region (and it looks like this is entirely possible), then I think that we would be reluctant to say that the war was a success.
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